Security services in Ostrobothnia

Security guards and orderlies in Ostrobothnia

Safety and presence in Ostrobothnia

MTP Syd Ab - Security Services for Home and Businesses


Security and Guard Services in Ostrobothnia, Finland

Welcome to MTP Syd, your reliable partner for home and business security in Ostrobothnia, Finland. We believe that home should be a safe place. We offer various types of technical surveillance and many other services to help you achieve a secure daily life.

Home Security

For us, it is self-evident that the home should be a safe place. We offer various types of technical surveillance as well as many other services to help you achieve a safe everyday life.

Security for businesses

We provide comprehensive surveillance and high-quality security solutions. With our experience and professional competence, we help our customers achieve uninterrupted operations.

Fire Safety

Are you sure your fire extinguishers are inspected and working properly? We help you with the mandatory inspections and maintenance required to keep your fire extinguishers in good condition, ensuring they will function if an emergency occurs.


Welcome to MTP Syd Ab, your reliable partner for home and business security in Ostrobothnia, Finland. For us, it is self-evident that both your home and workplace should be a safe place. We provide various types of technical surveillance and many other services to help you achieve a secure daily life.

Säkerhet för hemmet

Home Security

For us, it is self-evident that the home should be a safe place. We offer various types of technical surveillance as well as many other services to help you achieve a safe everyday life.

Säkerhet för företag

Security for businesses

We provide comprehensive surveillance and high-quality security solutions. With our experience and professional competence, we help our customers achieve uninterrupted operations.


Fire Safety

Are you sure your fire extinguishers are inspected and working properly? We help you with the mandatory inspections and maintenance required to keep your fire extinguishers in good condition, ensuring they will function if an emergency occurs.

House icon


För oss är det en självklarhet att hemmet ska vara en trygg plats. Vi erbjuder olika slag av teknisk övervakning samt många andra tjänster för att hjälpa dig uppnå en trygg vardag.

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Vi står för mångsidig bevakning och högklassiga säkerhetslösningar. Med vår erfarenhet och yrkeskompetens hjälper vi våra kunder att uppnå en störningsfri verksamhet.

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Briefcase icon
Fire extinguisher icon


Har du koll på att dina brandsläckare är granskade och fungerar som de ska? Vi hjälper dig med den lagstadgade granskningen och servicen som krävs för att hålla brandsläckaren i gott skick och försäkrar er på så sätt om att brandsläckarna fungerar om olyckan är framme.

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Our references

MTP Syd Ab 2024
Web design by KeKu Design